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Serveur TeamFortress 2
Moderators: NiTriK, DANTAFACE, Writers, FanfanLaTulipeFR
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Author Post
Sat Aug 20 2011, 11:00am
Spiral Knights

Registered Member #14
Joined: Tue Nov 10 2009, 10:18am
Posts: 1068
Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter notre serveur TF2.

Serveur 20 slots
Pas de critiques aléatoires
Map customs et classiques

FR =TKM= TEKOMA MULTIGAMING // FastRespawn // Classic&Custom Map

Maps proposées :
- 2fort_multipath_rc3 (PL )
- 2fort (CTF)
- Badlands (CP)
- Badlands (KOTH)
- Badwater (PL )
- Doublecross (CTF)
- Cascades_b1 (KOTH)
- Barnblitz (PL )
- Facing_worlds_2011 (CTF)
- Meleebarn (CP)
- Disneyworld_b1 (KOTH)
- Beerbowl_b5a (PL )
- Gravelpit (CP)
- Dryway_final (KOTH)
- Donkeykong_final (PL )
- Turbine (CTF)
- Fissure_b6 (KOTH)
- Dynamite2 (PL )
- 5gorge (CP)
- Harvest_final (KOTH)
- Frontier_final (PL )
- Landfall_rc (CTF)
- Lakeside (KOTH)
- Goldrush (PL )
- Antiquity_rc1 (CP)
- Nucleus (KOTH)
- Hoodoo (PL )
- Orient_b3 (CTF)
- Saw_final (KOTH)
- Jungle_a1c (PL )
- Egypt_final (CP)
- Sawmill (KOTH)
- Military_base_final (PL )
- Sawmill (CTF)
- Shirouma_b1 (KOTH)
- Simpson_House_a7 (PL )
- Obscure_final (CP)
- Viaduct (KOTH)
- Thundermountain (PL )
- DeGrootKeep (CP)
- Vikings_final (CTF)
- Yamashiro_b3 (PL )
- Granary (CP)

See You Soon on TF2 ...

[ Edited Mon Aug 22 2011, 03:36pm ]

CS un jour, CS toujours ... \\//\\// Dans Linux, il y a un noyau. Dans Windows, des pépins...

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